The Storyboard Project, founded by Mira Zimet in 2014, is a short documentary web series created to lift up stories of youth who have experienced foster care. For the second year in a row, The Storyboard Project, founded by Mira Zimet in 2014, is “On The Road” meeting with youth across the nation.
The Imprint will be featuring these videos throughout the month of July. Today, we will feature the story of Mikey from Louisiana.
“I’d never heard of foster care. I’d never heard of people not living with their parents. I think you watch movies – I’m a ’90s kid, so maybe like ‘Lilo and Stitch’ or even ‘Angels in the Outfield.’ These stories were my story and I didn’t even realize it when I was a child. I’m watching a kid that’s me. There was no recollection or even idea of what foster care is.”
Mikey definitely fell through the cracks of the foster care system. It was his incredible resilience and realizing that, “No matter what you go through, no matter what adversity you have, you can overcome and you can have a purpose” that guided him.
Shuffling between foster parents and the homes of family members — some that have been out of his life for years — finally resulted in a win. His biological mother’s step-father provided the first loving, stable home he had, and it was, unfortunately, just before he turned 18. And all this was done with no oversight by the state.
Now in his mid-30s, with wisdom gained through the years about his experience, Mikey wanted to give back. He is now sharing his experiences, knowledge and how he is learning to re-parent himself in his web series and on Instagram.
“On the Road” is sponsored by Journey to Success. Please visit The Storyboard Project to watch more videos and learn more about our mission.