Youth Services Insider

Youth Services Insider


What Do Schools Report to CPS? One State’s Experience

The vast majority of reports of child abuse and neglect emanate from adults outside a child’s family or neighborhood. Most calls come from so-called “mandated reporters,” who are required to disclose any concerns about child safety with protection officials.

Youth Services Insider


The ‘20s and Youth Services: A Guess at What Comes Next

The last calendar year of the ‘10s has come and gone, and the fields of child welfare and juvenile justice move on to a new decade. For the past two weeks, The Imprint has counted down some of our top storylines from 2019.

Youth Services Insider
Bipartisan Gun Control Bill: Implications for Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice


Year-End Spending Bill Includes Hundreds of Millions for Family First Act

The nearly 2,000-page spending bill released yesterday, which is expected to be approved by both chambers of Congress, will include legislation that seeks to incentivize and ease the path for states on implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act.

Youth Services Insider


List of States Seeking Family First Act Delay is Up to at Least 27

Updated information from the federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF), obtained last week by Youth Services Insider, shows that the number of states intending to delay on the Family First Prevention Services Act is now at least 27 states.

Youth Services Insider


Senate Finance Bill in Works to Kill Federal Foster Care Income Test, Ease Transition to Family First Act

Two Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee plan to introduce major legislation that would unchain federal foster care dollars from a decades-old income test, and ease the transition toward the Family First Prevention Services Act, Youth Services Insider has learned.

Youth Services Insider


Hard to Argue a Need for Faith-Based Protection Bill in Arkansas

A central argument used by proponents of faith-based child welfare protection bills, which allow religious providers to selectively serve some foster and adoptive parents and not others, is its impact on supply.


    Will Shutdown-Ending Legislation Include Rubio, Feinstein Bill to Extend Foster Care Waivers?

    Last week, Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) introduced legislation that would allow scores of state and county child welfare agencies to delay implementing a new federal law that promises to reshape foster care.

    Youth Services Insider
    Arizona Tribe Cements Relationship with State On Indian Child Welfare Custody Cases


    State Actions on Indian Child Welfare Act Since Federal Judge Struck It Down

    As we reported last week, several tribes have appealed the recent ruling striking down the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), and are asking the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to issue a stay on the lower court’s ruling until the appeal is decided on.

    Youth Services Insider


    Feds Won’t Disclose Which States Might Delay on Family First Act

    The Children’s Bureau (CB) might have some idea how many states are thinking about seeking a delay on implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act. But it’s not telling. Mum’s the word, for whatever reason, about what news came in by the November 9 deadline the agency imposed on states to notify CB about whether they intended to seek a delay on implementing the law.