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Melinda Clemmons
With a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of California-Berkeley, Miriam Yarde is studying for law school entrance exams, ready to embrace her lifelong dream. As a child, Miriam observed the power of the attorneys who represented her and her nine siblings in child welfare court proceedings, and set her sights on becoming one of those attorneys herself.
Marisol Zarate
Advocates claim that raising the minimum wage would lift many families out of poverty and reduce income equality, but a new study contends that a rise in wages would also reduce child maltreatment.
Yali Lincroft
Sixto Cancel is in his early 20s, African American, gay, and grew up in several Connecticut foster homes. I am middle aged, a Taiwanese immigrant, a former Girl Scout leader, and I live in Albany, California with my husband and two kids.
Guest Writer
By Beth Cortez-Neavel Texas is taking serious steps toward using predictive data analytics, or “big data,” to prevent child deaths due to abuse and neglect. Not only are state officials finally catching on that child maltreatment is a public health issue, there are three new state-led efforts to curtail child deaths and maltreatment by using data to pinpoint specific warning signs at different community levels.