state budget

Governors on Both Coasts Face Budget Shortfalls for Serving Children and Families Next Year


Governors on Both Coasts Face Budget Shortfalls for Serving Children and Families Next Year

The governors of New York and California outlined their state budget plans this week, including services for children and families.

New York Governor Rejects Legislature’s Proposals to Boost Child Welfare Funding


New York Governor Rejects Legislature’s Proposals to Boost Child Welfare Funding

The recently passed New York state budget did not include funding increases for foster care prevention or Family Court attorneys.

New York Governor’s Budget Plan Boosts Pay for Child Welfare Workers, But Otherwise Affords No New Money for Foster Care


New York Governor’s Budget Plan Boosts Pay for Child Welfare Workers, But Otherwise Affords No New Money for Foster Care

In her first budget blueprint for New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul has answered a years-long call to increase pay for human service workers. Yet the Democratic governor proposed few changes to existing foster care funding or policies.

California's youth prisons like the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility will close, leaving plans to house incarcerated youth to counties.


As California Counties Add Youth Offenders, Advocates Want Strong State Oversight

As a July 1 date approaches to halt admissions at California's youth prison system, some say the governor’s office has not invested enough.


Relative Caregivers Get a Small But Significant Raise in Georgia Budget

Seeking to increase the state’s support for a rapidly growing faction of its foster care system, Georgia’s House and Senate included a $1 per day raise in its payments to relatives.


Pound Foolish and Not Penny Wise

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner is counting on foster youth to help solve the state’s financial crisis. By eliminating the three years of transitional care that currently supports foster youth until the age of 21, the state expects to save approximately $5 million annually.