school to prison pipeline


The Time Has Come For Us To Stop Locking Up Other People’s Children

Julio Angel Alicea
In the past two decades, there has been an increasing interest in the linkages between schools and carceral settings, or what has been termed, the “school to prison pipeline.”


Most Chronically Absent Students in Nation Concentrated in 4 Percent of School Districts

Although chronic absenteeism occurs in most school districts, just 4 percent of the nation’s school districts account for about half of the nation’s chronically absent students. A report released by Attendance Works and the Everyone Graduates Center highlighted disparities around chronic absenteeism thanks to data made available for the first time from the U.S.


Evaluating a Judge-Led Approach to Eliminating School Pathways to Juvenile Justice System

A report from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) presents the results of an evaluation of its judge-led model that aims to keep kids in school and out of court.


Keeping Trauma-Informed Teachers in Oakland’s Schools

Last New Year’s Day, when 13-year-old Lee Weathersby III was shot and died in Oakland, Calif., nearly 200 of his middle school peers and teachers received therapy. In the Oakland Unified School District, Sandra Simmons’ job is to help coordinate that therapy on school campuses.


Calif. Lawmaker Seeks to Curb “Catch-All” Suspension Code

By Tim Morrison Leslie Mendoza found herself put out of school for angrily reacting to a teacher who singled her out in front of a noisy freshman algebra classroom, despite the fact that she had been one of the few paying attention.