
The Justice-Impacted Struggle to Reentry


The Justice-Impacted Struggle to Reentry

Without access to basic necessities, the odds of successful reentry for those justice-impacted are significantly reduced, writes Hugo Amaya.

Cuomo Harassment Condemned by Head of New York’s State Agency for Children and Families


New York Smooths Path for Young Adults to Re-enter Foster Care

Governor Cuomo at a press conference in November. Photo via Flickr.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a law Tuesday making it easier for former foster youth who have not yet turned 21 to re-enter the city’s care, which can include housing assistance and monthly stipends to cover their basic needs. 


Sex Trafficking Re-entry Programs Must Involve the True Experts: Survivors

A dozen foster parents surround the table at the mandated Foster Care Child Sex Trafficking class, listening with perked ears to the class leader. She is a survivor of early childhood sex trafficking.

Youth Services Insider


Pay for Success Watch: NCCD, San Diego Foundation Announce Juvenile Reentry Venture

The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) already has an iron in the pay-for-success (PFS) fire in San Diego where it is working with The Children’s Initiative on a plan to provide county-wide alternatives to detention.


Complete Breakdown of OJJDP Grants from 2014

As the end of the federal fiscal year draws nigh, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has nearly completed its dispersion of grants for the year. As we did in fiscal 2013, Youth Services is ready with a breakdown of that funding.


Justice Dept. Awards Several Early Juvenile Justice Grants

Most federal discretionary funding for 2014 has yet to be spent, with many solicitations still active. But the Department of Justice has already approved a number of juvenile justice-related grants, mostly through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).

    Youth Services Insider


    First Federal Social Impact Bond?

    We reported last week on the youth-related figures in the 2014 spending agreement. The bill careened through both houses and onto the desk of a pen-in-hand President Obama for his signature.


    Illinois Pilots Programs to Reduce Massive Juvenile Recidivism Problem

    The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission announced a $1.5 million project to start addressing the fact that more than half of the offenders coming home from their juvenile facilities are ending up in adult prison soon after.