qualified residential treatment program

Youth Services Insider


Trump Budget Proposes Medicaid Exception for Some Residential Care Programs

President Trump’s fiscal 2021 budget asks Congress to allow Medicaid dollars to be spent on a newly created class of residential foster care, a move that it expects to open up half a billion dollars for mental health treatment over the next decade.

Youth Services Insider


Alaska Dropping Federal Group Home Claims to Comply with Family First Act in 2019

The Family First Prevention Services Act offers states the chance to tap federal funds to prevent the need for foster care in some child welfare cases. At the same time, it greatly limits the amount of federal money that can be used to put foster youth in group homes, institutions and other “congregate care” options.


New Online Resource for Family First Act Accreditation

The Accreditation Guru has set up a resource page for group homes and congregate care providers seeking the necessary seal of approval for federal funding. The Family First Prevention Services Act, which passed last year and takes effect in October, limits federal funding for congregate care placements to two weeks.


Family First Residential Accreditation: Get in Line Before the Wait Gets Long

When it passed the Family First Prevention Services Act last February, Congress aimed to change the face of child welfare, in part by implementing a funding shift that restricts the use of federal Title IV-E financing for out-of-home “congregate care”placements.

Youth Services Insider


Family First: Boys Town Seeks Amendment on Congregate Care; National State Associations Group No Longer Does

Note: This column has been updated When the Family First Prevention Services Act breezed through the House Ways and Means Committee and on to passage from the full body, Youth Services Insider noted that many of the bill’s supporters had stayed on board.