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Daniel Heimpel
Today, Los Angeles County’s Board of Supervisors will vote on a motion that would bring a rarely heard from, but critically important, group of investigative attorneys under the Office of Child Protection’s control.
Celeste Fremon
The Supes Choose A Probation Chief — Or Make That Two Chiefs The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors have just announced their selection of not just one brand new Chief of Probation, but two.
John Kelly
Last month, in response to news reports about the tortured life and death of a little boy, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors waded into the thorny question of how to predict child abuse.
Earlier this month, I wrote a story about how Los Angeles County was considering using ridesharing services like Uber to improve “family visitation.” The problem in L.A. and across the country is that it is hard to transport children and their parents to court-ordered visits.
In response to the death of an 11-year-old boy, Los Angeles County’s Board of Supervisors will discuss a motion Tuesday that calls for a re-evaluation of how the county’s child protection system measures risk.
Former Santa Clara County Probation Chief Sheila Mitchell and former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department jail reformer Terri McDonald are among a slate of five candidates who will be interviewed next week by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to lead the county’s Probation Department.
It is a county within a county. Los Angeles County’s fifth is the largest of the five supervisorial districts, where the suburban sprawl of Pasadena gives way to the exurban expanse of the Antelope Valley.
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Despite swirling rumors about the potential fallout of Los Angeles County’s Tuesday 4-1-vote to hire Judge Michael Nash as its director of child protection, key players in child welfare and county government do not see it that way.
Christie Renick
In what may be one of its final sessions, the transition team tasked with implementing widespread reforms to Los Angeles County’s child protection system expressed frustration at the lack of progress towards naming a leader to the yet-to-be created Office of Child Protection.