Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority


Los Angeles County Dedicates $11.8M in State Homelessness Funding to Youth 

As the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors moved to make big investments Tuesday toward stemming the county’s homelessness crisis, they voted to direct more of that money to support the growing number of youth experiencing homelessness.  


L.A. Board of Supervisor Candidates on the Issues: Addressing Youth Homelessness

This week, The Imprint is publishing a series of posts from leading candidates running to succeed Mark Ridley-Thomas on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Ridley-Thomas is stepping down because of term limits, and a full slate of candidates is running to take his place on the board, representing more than 2 million residents across parts of South, Central and West L.A.,


L.A. Board of Supervisor Candidates on the Issues: How to Stem a Rising Tide of Homelessness

This week, The Imprint is publishing a series of posts from leading candidates running to succeed Mark Ridley-Thomas on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Ridley-Thomas is stepping down because of term limits, and a full slate of candidates is running to take his place on the board, representing more than 2 million residents across parts of South, Central and West L.A.,


More Than 12,000 California Youth are Homeless. What’s Being Done to Change That?

On any given night in 2018, 159,911 youth younger than 25 across the country were homeless — 36,361 of them on their own. One-third of them were in California. As the homeless youth population declines nationwide, California remains the state with the highest population of people experiencing homelessness overall and the highest number of unaccompanied homeless youth, according to the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment from the U.S.


Los Angeles Requests Millions for Homeless Individuals, Families and Youth

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) submitted an application to the federal government on September 12 for $104,949,390 million for projects to provide housing and services to L.A.’s homeless population, including almost $5 million specifically for transitional housing for youth.


Law Enforcement, Nonprofits Bring Hope to Homeless in Los Angeles Neighborhood

Two police officers arrive at a homeless health services event in MacArthur Park in their police car on a cold rainy Friday morning. Nonprofits and government agencies have gathered in the park to offer their services to homeless individuals near downtown Los Angeles.


    First Phase of L.A. County’s Homeless Initiative to Start June 30

    When Pamela Walls hit rock bottom, she turned to her friends and family for support and resources for her son and her. But they were not able to help, and she became a victim of homelessness in Los Angeles.


    Housing First Versus Transitional Housing: Neither Alone is the Answer

    Kerry Morrison full-heartedly agrees that transitional shelters are an essential part of the equation of successfully solving this homeless crisis along with the housing-first approach. Morrison is the executive director of Hollywood Property Owners Alliance as well as a commissioner at Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LASHA).


    2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Sets New Precedents for Documenting the Homeless Population

    Over three days in late January, more than 7,000 volunteers fanned out across Los Angeles County to count the homeless population as part of Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s now-annual Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count.