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Jeremy Loudenback
Taking a cue from a bourgeoning efforts to transform juvenile probation supervision, a group of justice reformers and agency leaders from across the country hopes to lower the nation’s reliance on adult probation and parole to provide what some call “mass supervision.”
Guest Writer
The Laura and John Arnold Foundation awarded a $6.6 million grant to launch the Texas Policy Lab for data projects aimed at improving public policy on a variety of issues including services for children and families.
Daniel Heimpel
At the intersection of two major Los Angeles freeways sits the county’s child abuse nerve center. Scores of workers are scattered at partitioned desks on the incredibly large fifth floor of this tall, drab building.
California, home to the largest foster care population in the country, has publicly declared its intention to pursue the use of so-called “predictive analytics” to foresee and presumably prevent child abuse.