juvenile facilities


California Passes Bill Banning Transfer of Juveniles Under 16

The California legislature has passed a bill that prevents juveniles 15 or younger from being transferred into adult court for any crime, a dramatic turnaround in a state that used to give wide discretion to prosecutors in seeking adult time for youths.


California’s Juvenile Facility Guards Might Have to Turn in Their Pepper Spray Soon

California is one of only five states that allows guards at juvenile facilities free reign to carry chemical spray to restrain youth held there. A coalition of advocates and lawmakers in the state are working on a bilateral effort to bring an end to this long-standing practice.

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Floridians Clearly Favor Less Adult Time for Juvenile Crime

In the wake of a presidential debate where both candidates were asked pointedly about criminal justice policy, it seems fitting to point out that a recent poll in America’s most populous swing state shows clear support for shielding more juvenile offenders from the adult criminal justice system.

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Live from JDAI: Day Two of Juvenile Justice Conference Week

Day two from the Valley of the Sun, which is living up to its name. It’s 102 degrees today, 108 tomorrow. That doesn’t even sound like a real temperature it could be on Earth.


OJJDP Abruptly Terminates National Center for Youth In Custody; More Projects Could Be Stopped

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ended funding this week for the National Center for Youth in Custody (NCYC), and the termination of other grants is possible as the agency simultaneously handles budget cuts and new internal priorities.


Justice Limits Juvenile Placements in Adult Facilities

The Department of Justice issued new rules on prison inmate protections that restrict the placement of juveniles in adult facilities and requires that certain staffing levels be maintained in juvenile detention centers and prisons.