

Predator and Protector: The Role of Tech in Sex Trafficking

While the child sex trafficking narrative is often focused on the most vulnerable — foster youth, homeless kids and runaways — technology is making it easier than ever for traffickers to locate and communicate with any child who has access to a smartphone.


#HackFosterCareLA Brings Tech Lens to Country’s Largest Foster Care System

This weekend, over 200 people gathered at Fullscreen Media in Playa Vista for #HackFosterCareLA – Los Angeles’ iteration of the hackathon events that have been taking place across the country since last May at the White House.


Silicon Valley Hacks Foster Care

After launching at the White House and building steam in New York City, the intersection of tech and foster care has made it to the mother ship in northern California. Yesterday kicked off the two-day Silicon Valley Hack Foster Care Summit, the latest event in a growing movement to the foster care and technology communities together to hack the system.


Hack Foster Care Summit is about Solutions

What if our foster youth knew, with certainty, they could get a job after they completed school? What if they could curate their own network of trusted advisors to reach out to in times of need?


New York Child Welfare Leader Takes Up Obama Legacy, Foster Care Hackathons

In May, a couple hundred technologists, child welfare experts and foster youth gathered on the grounds of the White House for the first foster care hackathon to reach such national prominence.


Hack the Hood on #HackFosterCare

Last month, we joined leaders within tech, philanthropy, the social sector, the White House and former foster youth who convened at Google in San Francisco to think of ways that technology could help improve the foster care system.


    A ‘Mind Blowing’ Experience at the White House Foster Care Hackathon

    Last week, during a reception at a sleek house off of Washington D.C.’s Embassy Row, I found myself in the kitchen talking with Winnie Wechsler. Wechsler, who runs the Pritzker Foster Care Initiative, which funds a slew of child welfare related non-profits including the one I run, was amped up.


    Leaders Prepare to #HackFosterCare at the White House Foster Care and Technology Hackathon

    Tomorrow kicks off the first ever White House Foster Care & Technology Hackathon, and participants’ home court, the web, is buzzing with excitement as leaders in technology and child welfare leaders from around the country head to Washington to #HackFosterCare.


    The Former Foster Youth Behind the White House’s Foster Care Hackathon

    Sixto Cancel spent the entirety of his childhood in foster care. The bureaucracy and inflexibility of a system designed to protect him instead wreaked havoc on his life and those of his 10 siblings.