Fostering Connections to Succes and Increasing Adoptions Act


New Mexico Takes Up Bill to Extend Foster Care to 21

New Mexico may soon join the majority of states in offering “extended foster care” to youth ages 18 to 21, if a proposed bill makes it to the desk of new Gov.


Child Welfare Ideas from the Experts #4: Universal Foster Care to Age 21

The Imprint is highlighting each of the policy recommendations made this summer by the participants of the Foster Youth Internship Program (FYI), a group of 10 former foster youths who have completed congressional internships.


Bridges, Ohio’s Extended Foster Care Program, Is Underway

Last Thursday, America’s seventh most populous state officially began enrolling older youth who wished to remain in foster care after the age of 18. Youth advocacy groups have voiced optimism that Ohio’s Bridges program could emerge as a model for the 25 states that have not yet extended foster care to age 21, delaying the age when youth emancipate into adulthood.


Rhode Island May Extend Foster Care Until 21 (Again)

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo’s new budget plan includes funding for children in foster care to continue receiving state support after they turn 18, which would mark a return to the state’s approach before the Great Recession.

Youth Services Insider


What You Need to Know about the New Family First Bill

Early on in Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-Ore.) efforts to revamp the federal Title IV-E entitlement to include family preservation services, Youth Services Insider wrote the following in a column about his earliest trial balloon: It would be foolish for anyone to think this bill, as presently constituted, is going to become law during this Congress.