
Hidden Heartache: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome’s Impact on Adoptive Families

When Barb Clark and her husband Michael adopted their oldest daughter Akila at 5 months old they never envisioned the difficult road ahead. What the Minneapolis, Minnesota-based Clarks couldn’t see when they rocked, fed and loved their infant daughter was the brain damage that she already had because of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Youth Services Insider


Major Breakthrough on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has Huge Implications for Child Welfare System

One or two decades from now, we might look back at a Northwestern University study completed this month as a major turning point in the history of child welfare, foster care and adoption.


Raising Adrian – My Own Experience with FASD in America

The Imprint concludes five-part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) from Helen Ramaglia, an advocate for foster youth and a member of our Blogger Co-Op. Click here to read Part 1, here to read Part 2, here to read Part 3, and here to read Part 4.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in America, Pt. 4: Educating Students with FASD

The Imprint is featuring a five-part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) from Helen Ramaglia, an advocate for foster youth and a member of our Blogger Co-Op. Click here to read Part 1, here to read Part 2, and here to read Part 3.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in America, Pt. 3: The Criminal Justice System

The Imprint is featuring a five-part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) from Helen Ramaglia, an advocate for foster youth and a member of our Blogger Co-Op. Click here to read Part 1, and here to read Part 2.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in America, Pt. 2: The Financial Impact

The Imprint is featuring a five-part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders from Helen Ramaglia, an advocate for foster youth and a member of our Blogger Co-Op. Click here to read Part 1.


    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in America – A Silent Crisis

    In the coming weeks, The Imprint will feature a five-part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders from Helen Ramaglia, an advocate for foster youth and a member of our Blogger Co-Op.