Differential Response


The Man Entrusted with Los Angeles’ Most Vulnerable Children

As national foster care rates swell, the country’s largest child welfare system welcomes a new leader – one who presided over a dramatic increase in the number of children taken from their parents.

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Opposition to Differential Response Dealt Heavy Blow

There is a new study out from the federal government that should shake child welfare to its very core. Worlds will be rocked! Minds will be blown! Not since a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs has there been a development so – Oh, sorry; I’ve been reading too many Daniel Heimpel stories.


Special Issue of APSAC Advisor Tackles Controversial Differential Response Program

Three years after a group of researchers sought to evaluate the research base of differential response programs, the effectiveness of the much-debated program has been revisited in a special edition of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Advisor.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Surveys Differential Response

This month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a brief about the efficacy of differential response (DR) and child safety in six states that have implemented this child protection strategy for over ten years.


In Support of Prevention Funding, But Not at the Expense of Children in Foster Care

As I mentioned in a prior piece in this series, the federal child welfare advocacy community increasingly seems myopically focused on increasing federal funding for “prevention.” Unfortunately, few, if any, are able to paint a picture of what increased investment in prevention would look like.


White House Commission Calls For ‘21st Century Child Welfare System’

Today, a White House-appointed commission created to end child abuse and neglect fatalities delivered a lengthy set of recommendations bent on re-orienting all the public systems that touch children towards child safety.

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    Richard Wexler, NCCPR, Re-Enter Child Welfare Advocacy

    In 2012, before The Imprint even launched its real website, one of our first Youth Services Insider columns lamented the shuttering of The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR). The organization, led and pretty much completely run by Executive Director Richard Wexler, was a tiny but effective champion for greater attention to family preservation in child welfare.


    Family Preservation Falters in the Heartland

    On New Year’s Eve, the Minnesota Department of Human Services released a slate of recommendations, which call for dismantling much of the child protection philosophy that has dominated the state for the past 15 years.


    Harvard’s Elizabeth Bartholet Takes on Differential Response

    In her latest paper, Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Bartholet does her best to dismember the widely popular child welfare strategy known as Differential Response, or simply DR. Bartholet’s argument has some limitations, and includes statements that will surely rankle the child welfare establishment.