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John Kelly
A bill introduced in the Senate last week would add another annual report on the capacity of each states’ foster care system.
Jeremy Loudenback
New report highlights challenges in the way Latinx youth in the juvenile justice system are counted by the Census. With a 2020 census count hobbled by politics and the coronavirus, academics and activists for Latinx youth in the criminal justice system are calling for a more accurate reflection of their numbers and better access to prevention services.
Terry Scraggins
About three months after I first entered the foster care system at age 12, a foster parent uttered words that would stay with me for the rest of my life. “Gay people are sinners who have no direction in life,” she told me.
Although chronic absenteeism occurs in most school districts, just 4 percent of the nation’s school districts account for about half of the nation’s chronically absent students. A report released by Attendance Works and the Everyone Graduates Center highlighted disparities around chronic absenteeism thanks to data made available for the first time from the U.S.