Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)

Youth Services Insider
United Nations Committee Suggests the U.S. Change or Repeal Major Child Welfare Policies


UN Committee Suggests the US Change or Repeal Major Child Welfare Policies

A UN committee to end racial discrimination said Congress and the Biden administration should amend or repeal certain child welfare policies.

Judges in “Kids for Cash” Scandal Must Compensate Families, Court Decides


Campaign Pushes for Children and Parents’ Right to Quality Legal Counsel

A campaign is underway to extend the right to an attorney to children and parents nationwide caught up in the child welfare system.

Youth Services Insider
Child Abuse Prevention: Senators Seek More CAPTA Money


Child Abuse Prevention: Senators Seek More CAPTA Money for Community-Based Family Services

Saying efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect are "tragically underfunded," two U.S. senators have introduced a bill that could pump hundreds of millions of dollars into addressing the problem.

Youth Services Insider


Senate Considers Legal Counsel Requirements in CAPTA Reauthorization Bill

A Senate committee approved a bill that could provide the first federal requirement of legal counsel to parents and children in child welfare cases, though there may be further negotiations.


Capitol Hill Briefing Tomorrow on Counsel for Kids, Parents in Child Welfare Courts

A group of legislative caucuses on vulnerable youth and on legal issues are jointly offering a congressional briefing tomorrow on a hot topic of late in child welfare: the legal rights of parents and children in dependency court proceedings.


No More Heartbreak? California Governor Newsom Moves to Boost Funding for Dependency Courts

On Thursday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a proposed $54 million boost to the budget of the state’s dependency courts, blending an increase in state investment with federal funds newly available for the legal representation of children and families involved in the child welfare system.