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Jeanette Yoffe
I went back to my foster family for what would turn out to be another six months. Of course, the not going to Argentina was never actually explained to me. Nor would anyone tell me where my brother lived, and why I couldn’t see him again.
Foster care was never explained to me. At least in a way I could understand at the time. I didn’t know that foster care was a temporary home, and not a permanent one.
In my last blog, I told you about a sunny August day in New York City, when I was happily playing in a park sand box, and my birth mother told a woman sitting nearby how ‘stressed out’ she was about being pregnant again?
As I reflect back, I think of three different “journeys” that were critical in my personal development. This post will introduce the “first journey”, which began in New York City in 1971.
Hi! My name is Jeanette Shareen Yoffe and I would like to contribute posts about my experiences growing up in foster care, being adopted and now working as a mental health professional with the foster care and adoption constellation across Los Angeles.