

Family First Residential Accreditation: Get in Line Before the Wait Gets Long

When it passed the Family First Prevention Services Act last February, Congress aimed to change the face of child welfare, in part by implementing a funding shift that restricts the use of federal Title IV-E financing for out-of-home “congregate care”placements.

Youth Services Insider


Some Intercountry Adoption Agencies Face Massive Hikes in Regulatory Costs

Intercountry adoption advocates fear that the fee structure planned by a new State Department accreditation contractor could threaten the operation of the largest American placing agencies. The fees required by the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a recently formed nonprofit that now serves as the sole accreditor for international adoption agencies, are pegged to the number of children placed instead of a fixed structure.

Youth Services Insider


Tension Between State Department, Accreditor Over Intercountry Adoption

The Council on Accreditation (COA), the lone firm handling accreditation for international adoption agencies, has announced that it will break its contract with State due to recent changes in regulations. From a statement by the State Department: On October 6 … the Council on Accreditation (COA), the agency responsible to accrediting intercountry adoption agencies, informed the Department that it would be unable to perform its duties as an accrediting entity (AE) due to “unforeseen circumstances.”


Update on SF City College’s Guardian Scholars Program

by Justin Pye In July, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges announced that the City College of San Francisco’s (CCSF) accreditation would be revoked in July 2014. The nearly 80-year-old institution serves more than 85,000 students, among them a group of current and former foster youth supported by the Guardian Scholars Program.