The Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being is seeking applicants for their fourth cohort of fellows. This fellowship is a partnership between the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Chapin Hall at The University of Chicago, which are seeking to identify and engage the next generation of leaders in the child welfare field.
The fellowships are awarded to up to 15 outstanding doctoral students who show innovation in the practice or policy of promoting positive child development and preventing any form of child maltreatment. Applicants must have completed coursework to advance them to candidacy, and are expected to make significant progress on their dissertation in the two year fellowship period. Each fellow receives a $50,000 stipend over a two-year term to support their work.
Fellows can be based at any academic institution in the U.S. and are selected through an open national competition. Applicants come from a multidisciplinary background, including child development, social work, public health, epidemiology, nursing, psychology, education, anthropology, and medicine.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the U.S. They must also submit a personal and research statement that covers four main areas:
- The proposed dissertation topic and its relevance to promoting child well-being and developing child abuse and neglect prevention policy and practice
- Proposed dissertation work plan
- Expected fellowship benefits
- Career goals and future plans
Each fellow is required to identify an academic and policy mentor – from a state or federal agency, nonprofit service organization, or child advocacy organization- to support and guide his or her work. The academic mentor will supervise the fellow’s research, guiding the research process and content.
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation provides generous financial support for the program to encourage the next generation of child welfare leaders. While, Chapin Hall provides support and management of the fellowship, facilitating a unique peer learning network and collaborative opportunities for the Mentors.
The deadline for applications is December 15, 2013. For more information, click here.