The Storyboard Project, founded by Mira Zimet in 2014, is a short documentary web series created to lift up stories of youth who have experienced foster care. For the second year in a row, The Storyboard Project, founded by Mira Zimet in 2014, is “On The Road” meeting with youth across the nation.
The Imprint will be featuring these videos throughout the month of July. Today, we feature the story of Vic from Utah.
“I knew I was a little troublemaker, but I wasn’t violent. … I was a very critical thinker, so I knew what consequences were. I just couldn’t stop at that point. I would just leave. I’d rest over the winter … go to the group home, be in there for a few months, and then I’d go to whatever foster home and I’d stay there and then the first smell of pollen in the spring air, I was gone.”
Vic shares a less conventional story about his foster care experience, where he runs away as a means of removing himself from an emotionally charged home. The courts eventually intervened after he missed a substantial amount of school and decided foster care was the answer. A wonderful storyteller, with a little touch of Tom Sawyer in how he weaves his tale, this is another side of why young people find themselves embroiled in the child welfare system.
“On the Road” is sponsored by Journey to Success. Please visit The Storyboard Project to watch more videos and learn more about our mission.