The Storyboard Project, founded by Mira Zimet in 2014, is a short documentary web series created to lift up stories of youth who have experienced foster care. For the second year in a row, The Storyboard Project is “On The Road” — meeting with youth across the nation.
The Imprint will be featuring these videos throughout the month of July. Today, we feature the story of Annette from Colorado.
“It’s a misconception that we’re misfits, that we’re troublemakers. It’s really just that we need love and that we want to be treated like family. We want to be treated like people, but also that our story wants to be heard, like anybody else’s stories.”
Annette shares how her parents’ drug addiction led her into foster care and how she had to navigate through various foster and group homes. It was very clear to Annette that the way out of the cycle her parents created was education. She did well in school, but while she was in college, the pandemic hit, which created another set of problems — including returning back to where her biological parents were living.
Now married with a baby, Annette shares how she was able to “take the good and leave the bad behind.”
“On the Road” is sponsored by Journey to Success. Visit The Storyboard Project to watch more videos and learn more about its mission.