Imprint Author

Martín Macías, Jr.

Martín Macías, Jr. is a journalist and podcast producer based in Los Angeles, California. You can follow his reporting online @_mxmmedia or email him at [email protected]


Judge Curbs Alaska’s Practice of Claiming Foster Youths’ Federal Benefits

Last year, foster youth in Alaska won the right to be notified when the state seized their federal benefits and this fall, the judge on the case finalized the ruling.

California Bill Clears Path for Affordable Housing With Units for Transition-Age Youth and Seniors


California Law Clears Path for Affordable Housing With Units for Transition-Age Youth and Seniors

A new California law clears regulatory hurdles for construction of affordable, intergenerational housing developments


California Expanding Job Training to Systems-Impacted Youth, Replicating Successful Los Angeles Model

Following a model out of L.A., community-based organizations in California combine federal job training funds with other essential services for young people leaving foster care or probation — including housing and education support.

California Gets $37 Million in Federal Funds to Improve Housing Options, Services for Homeless Youth


California Gets $37 Million in Federal Funds to Improve Housing Options, Services for Homeless Youth

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded four California communities a combined $37 million to combat youth homelessness.


Pandemic Relief Funds for California Foster Youth Slow to Reach Needy Young Adults as Deadline Approaches

Few eligible young people have been verified to receive pandemic relief funds for former foster youth, according to data provided by the California Department of Social Services.


Dependency Court Programs Focus On Babies’ Health

While families in dependency court typically wait months between hearings and may have infrequent contact with social workers, courts supported by the national nonprofit Zero to Three provide intensive services for the youngest children, offering monthly hearings with the same judge, as well as medical and mental health care.