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Justyce Callisto

Justyce Callisto is 23 and lives in Vermont where she uses her voice to bring light to the changes that need to happen within the child welfare system. Callisto has spent the last eight years as an advocate, serving on many different panels, answering questions ranging from how to make foster kids feel safer in foster homes to how best to support them. She is a 2021 all star with FosterClub. During her internship with them, she learned how to facilitate and co-facilitate workshops and even created her own. During the pandemic, she produced a video for a local program called the Youth Development Program–Spectrum. The video highlighted the youth drop-in center in her town that opened in March of 2021. In May of that same year, she was asked to be on a local TV program for Mental Health Awareness Month. That episode has now aired on television two years in a row. Her biggest form of advocacy is the book she is currently working on about her struggles before and during foster care, and how, despite the odds, she survived.